Box Canyon State Park, Idaho
Based on results from our 2008 publication in Science, we provided content and graphics for the new Box Canyon State Park interpretive sign.
American Geophysical Union General Poster Session
Lamb with several colleagues served as the convener of the Earth and Planetary Surfaces General Poster Session at the American Geophysical Union Fall meetings for ten years.
Fire and debris flow hazards
Our group has been featured on local and national news concerning debris flow hazards in steep mountain streams (October 2009: KABC-TV Channel 7, KNBC-TV Channel 4, KMEX-TV Channel 34, CBS Early Show, CBS Nightly News; February 2010: KABC-TV Channel 7; April & August 2010: Pasadena Star News, September 2010: LA Times; February 2014: LA Times, KPCC, KABC-TV Channel 7).
Pasadena Unified School District
Our research group is actively involved in outreach with students and teachers in the Pasadena Unified School District (P.U.S.D.). P.U.S.D. is in need of science outreach programs with only 41% of the students meeting the California Standards Test proficiency level in science (P.U.S.D. School Accountability Report Card, 2010). Our work includes graduate student classroom presentations, demonstrations, science fair judging, and lab tours at Caltech. Over the past three years, this has included approximately fourteen events per year.
North American Geoscience Teachers
Part of our work on boulder transport funded by the National Science Foundation, we held a workshop for high school teachers on geomorphic hazards in Los Angeles along the San Gabriel Mountains. This workshop was carried out in March, 2011, and was organized as part of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers meeting hosted by Caltech. The Prof. Lamb and graduate student Jeff Prancevic organized and led a trip to the San Gabriel Mountains for 16 teachers from high schools and community colleges. The teachers were introduced to theories and field methods for assessing boulder mobility and related hazards in steep mountain streams.